Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rains gently return, greening grasses

I weigh 205.0 (pounds like yesterday), blood pressure is 127/83 and resting heart rate is 41 bpm. I sneak up on myself and knock out three good strong chin ups as the coffee heats, then off to blog checks, changes and devotions. I call my mother and talk, then knock out the fifty reps of the basic three exercises - feeling good about it, but a bit worried about the creaks and snaps and pops on the left shoulder side - nothing worries me more than visiting a doctor, so I stop worrying about it. Denial is a helpful fool thing. Since it is raining and I am not the immortal stud I was forty years ago (only in my mind, mind you) I decide to do an interval workout on the treadmill in the garage, while listening to Country Western music, and some plastic surgeon... could have done without the plastic surgeon. 337 calories, 45% of them FAT (you do know how many calories in a pound of FAT), Average Heart rate 112 bpm, in Zone 27 minutes 25 seconds, Exercised 41 minutes 38 seconds. So I remain alive, I will walk to the dock and work on my feet most of the day, and I encourage y'all to do the same, or some plastic surgeon may want to pay for his education by giving you several of his procedures to restore your natural health and beauty. Trust me, the picture is up just because it will never be seen by polite society, just remind me of how fat I am - I need to drop those spare tire rolls for more room for packing pistols, or money belts or cell phones (NOT!).

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