Friday, March 21, 2008

Frank Frazetta had thyroid problems I can too...

I weigh 207.0 pounds, blood pressure is 130/96 and heart rate is 46 bpm. In Icon Frazetta's thyroid problem and his struggles for eight years were outlined, I figure the doctor and I will do better quicker than his medical support team. My wife is concerned but then she cares and will miss me when I am gone.

When I have an excuse like the poorly performing thyroid, I get to do no exercise, no improvement and have lots of no motivation, and blame it all on the thyroid - no personal responsibility. But I have enough time before I need to shave, shower and dress for getting my medication and going to work - just enough time for a short run along the road, there is a 20K to finish the Resolution Series in Steilacoom tomorrow, so work that boy's body today! Get the gear on and hit the road.

I put my mudders on, since the road is wet, my windshield is iced and there are clouds out there. I am so slow and so old, 409 calories burned, 45% of that could have been fat calories (the calorie doesn't care), average heart rate 119 bpm, in Zone 37 minutes 48 seconds, exercising for 40 minutes 10 seconds. It is Spring and I noticed this white stuff falling from the sky, broken Global Warnings? Found one penny and a scurrying away stray dog, looking so whipped, I prayed for it someone needs to love him.

1 comment:

Shirley Donalds said...

The first month I started taking bovine thyroid, I started seeing results in my body and major improvements in my attitude as well due to my weight loss. I would recommend desiccated bovine thyroid tablets to anybody who is having difficulty losing weight.