Thursday, January 5, 2012

So what am I doing this year?

Seems my wife thinks I need a machine to make me work out enough to keep the feet from swelling. Normally, they don't swell unless I am locked into the motorcycle position or an airplane seat for hours. But she worries, and I know that one must move to get the muscles of the legs to move the fluids from lower to higher. So, MOVE! My mother had major problems but all they did for her was encourage (not demand) her to walk a bit more and take Lasik, which drove her crazy with trips to the bathroom and accidents.

This is the second day of using it, fifteen minutes yesterday, and twenty today, what I found is that it slides and needs stabilized, but it is interesting and does work muscles. And since it also elevates my heart rate and breathing just a bit, I am tempted to try jogging between the rain clouds, if I can't I can still finish walking, right?

So afternoon, I start out with a five minute jog, no staff, and steady walk for a total of one hour and nine minutes. No shortness of breath, not pain in chest, no real faint light headed feeling. Very good. Third day in a row on the route, distance same time dropping but mostly feeling very much better.

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