Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Concealed Carry... you just can't hide that weight...

I did this little video to see what I really look like. First there is the image in my mind, and that can't be right since it is stuck at about twenty-five to thirty-five. Then there is the image in my mirror when I shave and clean up for exiting the house - too close and concentrated and backwards of reality, no that isn't me either. So I take a quick video to see what I look like. Sure enough an old man, wearing loose fitting clothes (room to layer or grow into), and still following that bursting belly and breast fat through the door. Sigh.

This mornings weight, 234.2 pounds, blood pressure 152/81 and resting heart rate of 38 bpm. I did go for a heart walk, found I still want more air, but it could be my heart is just not efficient again. I had lots of foggy breath on the exhale. I stopped about two-thirds the way up the big hill and the minor ones, rested a bit at the top of the big one. Had no trouble going down hill. Didn't wear a watch, still thinking I am blessed to be able to meander around the block. Keep on working it.

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