Friday, July 3, 2009

No matter what shape your stomach is in?

Okay, I am a slug. I did promise myself a good jog on the 2nd of July, and it never happened, what a wimp!

2 July 2009: Weight 208.0 pounds, BP 146/85 or 130/82 and Heart rate of 47 or 19 beats per minute. 3CU hangs, 3PU hangs, 8 dips, 50 reps of basic three and the Walk to the dock, good pace good stretch and that was it.. for the day.

It was a beautiful Sunny warm day, that turned hotter and made me think I should wait until a bit later to go jog after dinner, the slippery slope to non-achievement and I get rolling down it so well. I played a computer war game instead of jogging, a game I could have paused for the thirty-five minute short route. Must remind oneself that the beginning of every exercise event is getting the body into the start position, which seems to be tougher than anything else.

I do feel stronger, like to think my muscles are responding to the exercise and stretching, that as I work out and up I will get better at all of it and not to be too impatient - not only Rome was't built in a day, but most heroic figures had to spend much time in training to get good enough to survive the first parts of battle. Gates of Fire has the best description of the cowardice that comes from fatigue and just a bit of fear, when one saves his last for himself...

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