Monday, June 29, 2009

You never miss me, do you?

Well, I have been gone and busy and making excuses for not doing better in my personal fitness and health. I don't need to go into them, but I had a great vacation in Hawai'i with so little stress that trying to match my grandson's sleep pattern and running long and walking were very healing and my blood pressure came right down and impressed my doctor. My next appointment with him is the 23rd of September at 8:30 AM on the State time. The only change in medication was for the missing Thyroid so that is still being adjusted.

On 28 June 2009, Weight was 207.0 pounds (twenty too many), Blood pressure 160/95 or 140/101, Heart rate resting was 45 or 48 beats per minute. After church, motorcycling and talking health issues with my friends (all two of them) I took time in the beauty of the evening and exercised. Jogging along the road with hand weights, reflector belt and positive attitude for 36minutes and 20seconds, then doing 55 repetitions of the basic three exercises (bent leg sit ups, push ups, and squats), three hangs trying to do chin ups, pull ups and back arches (so weak, Willie!) finishing with ten cat stretches.

I know, very basic and oh so lame, but it was a start and that is the idea, a daily dose of better time spend than what I would do if I just stare at the television or computer screens. I mean, you know that my fingers and forearms are in excellent shape - they move typing this stuff. This is a good start to looking old and never better, living longer in good health is also a goal. Grandchildren really get fun when they hit eight to ten so that is a few more years to hang on.

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