I got two mice yesterday, one large and one small, the trap is re-set for those that don't understand that cheese is dangerous when one should be outside consuming little natural foods.
I also seemed to fall into a rest day. I got up on time on the clock, but then went back to bed after breakfast for a light nap.
Weight was 205.4 pounds, Blood Pressure was 131/82 and Heart rate 49 beats per minute. Only light exercises: 3 CU hangs, 3 PU hangs, 8 tiny Dips, 20 reps of the 3 exercises, 3 CU hangs, 3 PU hangs, 8 more tiny dips. Then dress and off to the Credit Union and work. Walk down to the dock for my two miles maintenance movement. Hot in my heavier jacket and long sleeve shirt. Notice muscle aches while working, they would complain since they are being worked more than normal as I try to recover my toned hard body (which I only think I had in tenth grade football season once, the abs were awesome!). I napped both ways on the ferry and had chicken and cakes when I got home, with fruit. Too much cake, but I left some. During the cool down of the evening before bed, I worked out with fifteen pound dumb bells enough to move and flex, twists and stretches for more maintenance of muscle.
I am taking blood pressure and cholesterol medication and am sure I get liver malfunction because of it - but my liver is probably in good shape being a mostly non-drinker. But LDL is needed for building and repairing body tissue and suppressing it isn't the smartest thing to do but seems to make my doctor happy. I think the muscle ache is only trying to get rid of the toxins and not having the blood vessels open and working as they would if I trained regularly. Will continue to exercise and get hard on that road work, where more of the conditioning happens, the weights and body resistance exercises are good but limiting in calorie burn. I expect my weight won't drop until about week two of hard long road work and then continue down. Goal is 187 or 186 pounds of lean and mean... well, not too mean.
One of my former inmate workers goes by Flaco, in Spanish 'skinny'.