Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am unraveling... just like that favorite sweater...

Yeah, really. So today is March 22, 2011. Weight is 241.4 pounds, blood pressure after sitting reading some Bible verses, 127/87 with a heart rate of 42 beats per minute. I call a Handyman, he comes out to do the hard stuff, draining the swamp under the house, my wife decides she wasnts new flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms, linoleum not tile (anther day, getting rid of the water is primary now). When he goes off to buy the sump pump and hoses I go for a jog. Just a gentle jog. Still need to do it daily, not skipping large pieces of my life. Around the block, 47m17s, no coins found, no breathing problem, no heart attack that I know about. I do think that crossing intersections I go faster if a kind motorist is waiting on my passage. Feel good about the distance, the time, the jog, feet are fine I don't hurt. Washed all the clothes when I get back. Sent in the report on my evaluation of the treatment I received from Mr. Allen, PA at the emergency ward at Madigan Army Hospital. I rated him high, only expressing my disappointment in not knowing what is wrong with my lungs and the xrays that isn't showing up in my doctor's office nor on the xrays on the St Clare Hospital machines. But I figure if I am dying I don't want to know, I am committed to that end and living is all I can really affect.

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