Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Okay, feelling better so this is where I tell my secrets...

I am disgustingly FAT!. Weighed in at 247.6 pounds yesterday, sigh (that was the sound the scale made as I stepped off). So I went out and gently jogged around the big block, 49m49s and one penny found. It was good when I got back showered and changes I noticed almost all the swelling in my feet was gone. That is an indicator.

So today, weighing in at 241.4 pounds, in this corner of the world, Earl!!! Loud applause. Raining outside, hope for a break in the afternoon, but after Bible reading and breakfast, chased off of television by demented Charlie Sheen and Momarra Qadaffi, I started the treadmill and healthrider exercising, ten minutes on treadmill, 3 degrees, three mph or more, 5 minutes on HealthRider do it four times, result, light sweat and one hour of exercise done. Life is good, Thank the Lord.

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