Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sinus explosion!

I wake and read email, return comments and send a new, then my head blows up and I am coughing, all I did was take my medication. Anyway I could declare a rest day and clean up the computer cave and pay my bills. My weight is 204.5 pounds, blood pressure under coughing 152/86 and the heart rate is 47 beats per minute - I am alive working on minor miserable...

Well, my sister writes that I am a jerk and an idiot, so I slink back into the darkness and cold. It is cold outside, frost on my windshield and roof, the fog is ground bound and I decide that after my morning gruel I will go an jog my heart into better condition. Yesterday I noticed the old man jog step - short and no push from the trail leg, and everyone knows you only go faster by how much time you spend in the air between your feet touching down, so I pushed off more yesterday and I would work on that on my short jog this morning. 436 kCal and forty percent of that fat (didn't I read that before?) Average Heart Rate (Hr) 124 bpm, time in zone 38 minutes and fifty-five seconds, exercise time total 40 minutes.

I did have an angry big black dog problem, any dog barking and snapping teeth within two feet is a problem. I wondered if I should come back and shoot it, if I should hit it hard with my handweights, or just keep running backwards facing it until the dog got bored - I chose the last, and the dog lives another day and I got clean away. I have only been bitten by one dog in many years of running, and it surprised the dog as much as it did me - but the bruise was a bad one and I only need one for a story - repeating the mistake makes me that idiot my sister thinks I am. I should always disappoint my sister's lower expectations.

Walked for thirty-four minutes down to the dock, stood on my feet all day working in the library playing catch up, come nightfall I am tired and my sinus problem needs more liquid and sleep.

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