Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch up and start over...

I turned on the electronics again. And without exercise in its place I ate flour products and became a fat fellow again. Turn off the electronix.

Wednesday weight 203.0 pounds, blood pressure 139/72, heart rate 43 bpm. 3 CU, 2 1/2 CU

Thursday weight 208.0 pounds, blood pressure 135/72, heart rate 41 bpm.

Friday weight 207.5 pounds, blood pressure 142/94 or 116/78, heart rates 77 or 39 bpm.

Saturday weight 206.0 pounds, blood pressure 127/76, heart rate 41 bpm. I heat then eat my gruel, turn the cable on Bluegrass and go do 2 full chin ups and a half a hang. Then I am out to jog, gently 301 calories burnt, 55% of them fat, average heart rate 109 bpm, Zone 19m25s, Exercised 38m02s. Such a slug, watched the start of the STP bicycle race go by on 156th, every year they are looking good, and I am just slugging along. I do my fifty reps of the basic three exercises befor I go shooting with my wife on Fort Lewis.

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