Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Catching up on the first part of July 2008

Tuesday weight 203.5 pounds, blood pressure 132/86, heart rate 39 bpm. Jog over 40 minutes but don't turn on the heart rate monitor until late. 219 calories, 55% fat, heart rate 109, Zone 10m07s Exercise 27m57s. I walk to dock. Coming back on ferry I forget my backpack.
Wednesday weight 205.5 pounds, blood pressure 146/91, heart rate 41 bpm. Walk to Dock.
Thursday weight 207.5 pounds, blood pressure is 157/89, heart rate 37 bpm. Walk to Dock.
Friday, the Fourth of July, weight 205.5 pounds, blood pressure 116/75, heart rate 45 bpm.
Saturday, weight 206.5 pounds, blood pressure 140/88, heart rate 35 bpm. Go to YMCA after shooting pistol, 5K rowing 25m09s, 30 minutes on stride-stepper.
Sunday weight 208.0 pounds, blood pressure 123/84, heart rate unknown. Jog for 325 calories, 55% fat, Hr 110, Zone 22m44s, Exercise 38m06s.
Monday, turning the electronics off in the morning, weight 204.5 pounds, blood pressure 142/76, heart rate 37 bpm, 3CU, 3CU, 3x50 reps, 632 calories, 45% fat, Hr 120, Zone 53m06s, Exercise 1h1m31s, 3HU. Walk to Dock.

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