Thursday, June 12, 2008

Check up with doctor

Sunday weight 206.0 pounds.
Monday weight 203.5 pounds, blood pressure 116/76, heart rate 40 bpm.
2 1/2 Chin ups, Jog 404 calories, 35% Fat, 122 Hr, Zone 29 minutes Exercise 40 minutes
Tuesday weight 205.5 pounds, blood pressure 119/92m, heart rate 41 bpm, fasting for Doctor
Wednesday weight 205.5 pounds, blood pressure 149/89, heart rate 38 bpm
Doctor is fine except with 177 LDL, new medication Crestor - $22 for thirty units,
new level of Levothyroxine.
Thursday weight 207.0 pounds, blood pressure 114/83, heart rate 41 bpm.

1 comment:

Yoda of Math said...

What is it with doctors? My doctor wants me to switch to Lipitor from Zetia to knock off just a little more cholestoral, but I said no until I see him in July. Meantime I've started my summer morning walking today. Nothing like sweating up a storm to start one's day.