Saturday, May 31, 2008

If you want to change your life....

Just head out five minutes earlier than you usually start your commute to work - the traffic isn't the same and the day is now different. I weighed 207.0 pounds on Friday, I weigh 206.5 pounds on Saturday and blood pressure is 132/92 with a heart rate of 101 bpm, which I don't believe since I haven't done anything to get it moving that fast. Better buy a new blood pressure checker.

I check emails and find my sister and my mother and answer Mom, I am glad that North Carolina suited my brother-in-law. Some noise about the house and climate, but I think the visit with daughter and watching grandchildren is much better than the Spring in North Carolina. My wife had a strange dream she had to share, and she did, and during breakfast she starts to unload all her worries and her guilts and needs more than my cold stern disapproval of real feelings and emotions. Where would I ever get more than cold stern old man at? Ugly truth.

I need to get serious about losing weight, she wants me to stick around in our older age. I need the twenty pounds off so the pistol hides better in more places. I stuck it behind my belt and walked the local park with my wife, don't think we bothered anyone so it wasn't seen. Duckling herds go from eight to five to three with the passing of days and the predators, a few will make it to maturity.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

"My wife... needs more than my cold stern disapproval of real feelings and emotions. Where would I ever get more than cold stern old man at? Ugly truth."

I like this honesty, but do you really "disapprove of real feelings and emotions"? I am wondering if this is an act with someone I know, or the real deal?